On an especially lazy day in Florida, I peer up at the partly cloudy sky.  Most of the visible sky shines blue with only the occasional patch of clouds.  Like most people who observe the cloud formations, I eventually see different shapes that resemble real-life objects.  The monochromatic shapes metamorphosize from one object to the next.  They aren’t the actual objects, of course.  The clouds are merely collections of humidity suspended in the atmosphere.  Their resemblance to any real object is merely a coincidence.

However, our minds fool us.  We desperately impose order in shapes that occur strictly randomly.  If you should see a woman’s face or an AT-AT Walker in a cloud formation, it merely reflects what currently occupies your mind.  The objects that we see have no correlation to real life.  If anything, what you perceive reflects your mind, not the image that you gaze upon.

Continue reading “The threshold of ‘a few bad apples’”

On an otherwise ordinary day, I respond to a Facebook thread about a Marvel movie, Eternals.  It’s not from a group that I would normally subscribe, the reason why it shows up on my timeline is because a friend responded to it.  Having been burned by others’ opinions about movies, I typically try not to listen to articles and reviews on films.  That said, I saw enough clips of this film to know who stars in it, and later heard observations about how it has the most diverse cast in a superhero movie.  Although I had yet to see the film, that’s how I responded.  I applauded the film for being diverse.

Spoiler Warning:  Going forward I’ll mention plot points in a number of films; please skip if you don’t want them revealed.

First, this film did not impress my friend.  This is completely fair; he’s entitled to his opinion, and I had yet to have seen the film.  Second, he took his grandson to see it and didn’t feel the couple’s scene on the beach was appropriate for his grandson.  This is completely fair too; portraying adult relationships in a particular way is not appropriate for young audiences.  Lastly, he asserts that all other MCU films that preceded it were completely fine for his eight-year-old grandson.

Continue reading “Sex, violence, and objectionable content”

Some friends and I met over some food and beers and chatted on a lazy Monday night.  During this particular evening, we chat about a wealth of different topics as we dodge the noise from the Monday Night Football broadcast.  I mentioned that as I recently watched a TV show, I had a flashback from a Mexican actress that I watched back in 1972.  Another such moment was regarding a Robert A. Heinlein novel, Citizen of the Galaxy.

My friend recently picked it up and is actively reading it.  I asked a few follow up questions to confirm that it is indeed the book I remembered.  I politely omitted to mention big plot points to avoid any spoilers.  He confirmed it; it was the very same book.

Continue reading “The price of wisdom”